
open class CuttleRevHub : LynxCommExceptionHandler, RobotArmingStateNotifier.Callback

Object that represents a Rev Robotics Control or Expansion hub. This is the basis of the Cuttlefish device architecture.


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constructor(hardwareMap: HardwareMap, hubName: String)
Create Rev hub object using the name of the hub (this can be found in the robot config).
constructor(hardwareMap: HardwareMap, hubType: CuttleRevHub.HubTypes)
Create Rev hub object using using HubTypes enum.


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I2C Channel Speeds Standard: up to 100 Kb/s Fast: up to 400 Kb/s Fast Plus: up to 1 Mb/s High Speed: up to 3.


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open var revHub: LynxModule
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open fun blinkColor(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int)
Make the LED on the hub blink a certain color
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open fun enableServoPWM(port: Int, enable: Boolean)
Enable/disable the signal being sent to a servo
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open fun getAnalog(port: Int): CuttleAnalog
Return a analog sensor with port and hub set
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open fun getAnalogEncoder(port: Int, offset: Double, voltage: Double): CuttleAnalogEncoder
Return a configured analog encoder
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Get the current being drawn by the hub WARNING: This will poll the hub costing an extra 3ms
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Get the voltage of the battery WARNING: This will poll the hub costing an extra 3ms
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open fun getDigital(port: Int): CuttleDigital
Return a digital sensor with port and hub set
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open fun getEncoder(port: Int, counts: Double): CuttleEncoder
Return an encoder with port counts, and hub set
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open fun getMotor(port: Int): CuttleMotor
Return a motor with port and hub set
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open fun getMotorCurrent(port: Int): Int
Returns the current being drawn by a motor
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open fun getServo(port: Int): CuttleServo
Return a configured servo by port
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open fun onModuleStateChange(module: RobotArmingStateNotifier, state: RobotArmingStateNotifier.ARMINGSTATE)
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open fun pullBulkData()
Pull bulk data from the hub.
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open fun rainbow()
Set the blink pattern of the LED on the hub to a rainbow
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open fun sendCommand(message: LynxRespondable): Boolean
Send command to the hub (If response needed, use sendCommandReceiveSync)
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open fun sendCommandReceiveSync(message: LynxDekaInterfaceCommand): LynxMessage
open fun sendCommandReceiveSync(message: LynxStandardCommand): LynxMessage
Send command to the hub and returns response (If no response needed, use sendCommand)
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Set the speed of all I2C channels.
Set speed of a specific I2C channel.
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open fun setLedColor(r: Byte, g: Byte, b: Byte)
Set the color of the LED on the hub
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open fun setMotorPower(port: Int, power: Double)
Set the power of a motor
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open fun setMotorZeroPowerBehaviour(port: Int, behavior: DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior)
Set the zero power behaviour of the motor
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open fun setServoPosition(port: Int, position: Double)
Set the position of a servo
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open fun setServoPWM(port: Int)
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open fun smoothRainbow()
Set the blink pattern of the LED to a 16-step rainbow