
open class CuttleServo : Servo

Cuttlefish compatible servo. Contains a list of preset positions which can be appended to using the addPreset() function.


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constructor(revHub: CuttleRevHub, servoPort: Int)
Initialize servo using cuttlefish direct access system
constructor(hardwareMap: HardwareMap, name: String)
Initialize servo using hardwareMap


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open var port: Int
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Array of preset positions.


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open fun addPreset(position: Double)
Add a position to the list of presets.
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open fun enablePWM(enable: Boolean)
Enable or disable PWM on the servo port.
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open fun getPosition(): Double
Get the target position of the servo.
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open fun getPreset(preset: Int): Double
Get the value of a preset position.
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open fun goToPreset(preset: Int)
Go to a preset position.
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open fun setPosition(position: Double)
Set the target position of the servo